
Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization etc:

NameQualification DesignationSpecialisationNo. of years of experienceNo.of Ph.D.studensGuided for
Last 4 years
Kamal Uddin AhmedM.A.Asst. Prof.(HOD)open Nil
Dr Anowar HussainM.A. Ph.D.Asst. Nil
Md Nozmul HoqueM.A.Asst. Nil
Abdus Samad AhmedM.A.Asst. Prof.(HOD)open Nil

Future plans:

  • Organizing National and state level Seminars and workshop.
  • To upgrade the departmental library.
  • Organizing a ‘Research Forum’ with the help of faculty members of the Department of Education of some neighboring colleges.
  • To make the subject more popular, extension lecture programme to be taken among the feeder schools.